:c1*:kohm::kΩ ; kiloohm :c1*:okhm::kΩ ; kiloohm :c1*:mohm::MΩ ; megaohm :c1*:gohm::GΩ ; gigaohm :c1*:tohm::TΩ ; teraohm :*:|ohm::Ω ; :*:ohm::Ω ; not sure if want ; :*:ohms::Ω ; micro- prefix using Unicode micro sign (µ), not mu character (μ) :c*:uA::µA ; microamp :c*:uF::µF ; microfarad :c*:uH::µH ; microhenry - needs to be case sensitive - "uh" is a word :c*:uV::µV ; microvolt :c*:uW::µW ; microwatt :c*:uPa::µPa ; micropascal :*:|um::µm ::microm::µm ; micrometer or micron :*:|micron::µm :*:|us::µs ; microsecond :*c:uS::µs ; "microsamples per second" doesn't make sense, so this is ok :c:pf::pF ; picofarad :c:nf::nF ; nanofarad ; :c:mv::mV ; millivolt - conflicts with bash command :c:nv::nV ; nanovolt :*?:degC::°C ; degrees Celsius :*?:degF::°F ; degrees Fahrenheit :*?:|deg::° ; degree symbol :*:rthz::√Hz ; square root of hertz :r:thdn::THD+N ; total harmonic distortion and noise ::|diam::⌀ ; diameter symbol - alternately could be "Latin small letter o with stroke" (ø) if no font support ; add Unicode non-breaking spaces before units? or is that too pedantic? ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Math ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :?*:+-::± ; plus-or-minus sign :?:|-::− ; true minus sign :?:|minus::− ; true minus sign :?:|x::× ; true times sign :?:|times::× :?:|*::⋅ ; "dot operator" (⋅), for multiplication, dot product :?:|.::· ; "middle dot" (·), for interword separation, punctuation, ??? ; middot · U+00B7 HTMLlat1 middle dot (= Georgian comma = Greek middle dot) ; sdot ⋅ U+22C5 HTMLsymbol dot operator ('dot operator' is NOT the same character as U+00B7 'middle dot'.) ::divby::÷ ; division sign or obelus ::./.::÷ ; any conflicts? ::|>=::≥ ; '>=' conflicts with usage in programming. Alternatively, it could specify different rules for code windows. ::|<=::≤ ::|!=::≠ ; not equal to ::|>>::≫ ; much greater than ::|<<::≪ ; much less than ::|!=::≠ ::notequal::≠ ::approx::≈ ; approximately equal to ::asymp::≈ ::|~::≈ ::propto::∝ ; proportional to ; superscripts and subscripts from HTML entity names sup2 and sup3 ; km² is simple and easy. CuSO₄·5H₂O or ²³⁸U are hard to type ; Alternate maybe better notation: x^2 → x², x_2 → x₂ ; Of course, that would conflict with programming ; There's also ⁱ⁺⁻⁼⁽⁾ⁿ ₊₋₌₍₎ₐₑₒₓₔ which could be added :?:sup0::⁰ :?:sup1::¹ :?:sup2::² ; common :?:sup3::³ ; common :?:sup4::⁴ :?:sup5::⁵ :?:sup6::⁶ :?:sup7::⁷ :?:sup8::⁸ :?:sup9::⁹ :?:sub0::₀ :?:sub1::₁ :?:sub2::₂ :?:sub3::₃ :?:sub4::₄ :?:sub5::₅ :?:sub6::₆ :?:sub7::₇ :?:sub8::₈ :?:sub9::₉ ::|sqrt::√ ; square root ::radic::√ ::|inf::∞ ; Greek characters for math, etc. :C:|Alpha::Α :C:|Beta::Β :C:|Gamma::Γ :C:|Delta::Δ :C:|Epsilon::Ε :C:|Zeta::Ζ :C:|Eta::Η :C:|Theta::Θ :C:|Iota::Ι :C:|Kappa::Κ :C:|Lambda::Λ :C:|Mu::Μ :C:|Nu::Ν :C:|Xi::Ξ :C:|Omicron::Ο :C:|Pi::Π :C:|Rho::Ρ :C:|Sigma::Σ :C:|Tau::Τ :C:|Upsilon::Υ :C:|Phi::Φ :C:|Chi::Χ :C:|Psi::Ψ :C*:|Omega::Ω :C:|alpha::α :C:|beta::β :C:|gamma::γ :C:|delta::δ :C:|epsilon::ε :C:|zeta::ζ :C:|eta::η :C:|theta::θ :C:|iota::ι :C:|kappa::κ :C:|lambda::λ :C:|mu::μ :C:|nu::ν :C:|xi::ξ :C:|omicron::ο :C?:|pi::π :C:|rho::ρ :C:|sigmaf::ς :C:|sigma::σ :C:|tau::τ :C:|upsilon::υ :C:|phi::φ :C:|chi::χ :C:|psi::ψ :C*:|omega::ω :C*:|thetasym::ϑ :C:|upsih::ϒ :C:|piv::ϖ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Typography / symbols ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::|c::© ; copyright symbol ::(c)::© ::|r::® ; registered symbol ::(r)::® ::|s::§ ; section symbol ::(tm)::™ ; trademark symbol ; ::qtr::¼ ; ::hlf::½ ; ::tqtr::¾ ::|o::• ; bullet ::|bull::• ::|bullet::• ;::|--::– ; en dash – these don't work due to minus sign. needs to ignore dashes as closing characters for just these. ::|en::– ;::|---::— ; em dash — ::|em::— ; ¦ ; broken bar :?*:|cent::¢ ; cents symbol ; Arrows :?*:-->::→ :?*:==>::⇒ :?*:<--::← :?*:<==::⇐ :?*:<->::↔ :?*:<=>::⇔ ::|^::↑ ::|v::↓ ; Special characters ;:r:|nbsp:: ; Doesn't work? ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Emoticons ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::0_0::ಠ_ಠ ; look of disapproval ::|<3::♥ ::(:))::☺ ::|:)::☺ ::(:()::☹ ::|:(::☹ ::|snowman::☃ ::|skull::☠ ::|music::♪♫ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; HTML shortcuts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :*b0:|bq::{bs 3}
{left 13} ; :*:|bq::
:*:|\bq:: :*b0:|qu::{bs 3}[QUOTE][/QUOTE]{left 8} :*:|/qu::[/QUOTE] :*:|\qu::[/QUOTE] :*b0:::{left 5}